In this week's conclusion of our 5-week series, we come to a pinnacle, a contentious climax of this radical teaching to eat Jesus' flesh and drink Jesus' blood. It is a turning point - literally for some - in Jesus' ministry. You see, some found Jesus' teaching so difficult, so offensive, so hard to comprehend, that they turned away.
"Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him."
Many of us have these turning points in our lives. Something happens in a relationship - words are said, something is forgotten, or feelings are hurt and we come to a turning point. Stick it out or leave. This is true for relationships of all kinds - your relationship with your spouse, sister or brother, coworker, favorite grocery store, and church.
I can't tell you how many stories I have heard of a church offending families. A pastor said something at a funeral; a member made some comment; a decision was made that they didn't agree with. It all boiled down to one thing: they were offended.

So they leave. Like the earliest disciples, they decide they don't need to take the offense and take off. Many unfortunately don't ever return to church. But here's the thing I notice in our text.
It wasn't just the ones who left that were offended. EVERYONE was offended. Some chose to go and others chose to stay.
What is the difference, then, between those who stayed and those who didn't? Both were equally offended. Both found Jesus' teaching equally difficult. Both probably wanted to leave. So what is it? The key is in their response to Jesus asking if they wanted to leave, too:
Lord, to whom can we go? YOU have the words of eternal life.
I have a feeling these disciples knew the truth of the matter - as hard, as offensive, as radical as his teaching, Jesus really did have the answer. Who else was there? What else was there? They had lived long enough to know that everything they had tried hadn't satisfied them. So, offended or not, they were in it for good.
Why do you stay?
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